Sunday 21st saw me go to the 21st
TSSC Peak Run organised by the
Derwent Valley area. I went with fellow
TSSC Lincs Bods Phil and Will. I was in Jenny the Herald - as I still haven't given it back to Garth yet!
We arrived just as the run was about to start, so I just followed Phil without opening the instructions (I was on a solo run so didn't have a navigator). 90 miles of winding, hilly and picturesque roads with about 100
various Triumphs - great stuff!
This day of driving (8 hours-
ish) made me want to finally get the
Vitesse back on the road, so today I have braved the garage to see what I didn't do last time I was in there.

Since the last time I posted, I have removed the doors, cut the wiring loom with a set of garden shears (it was bodged to b*
ggery) and unbolted the clutch and brake cylinders. I have also cut the screen out of the car.

The organisation of the removed bits is looking a bit ropey though - anyone know where all this stuff goes?

So not much more to do before the old bulkhead is ready to be removed. I think I'll be asking a few people round to help with that one....
And finally after going on about slot mags for months and months, I've decided I like the
cosmics that are already on it. Glad I didn't spend £400+ on the set I saw a while ago now!!!

Tomorrow is the monthly Lincoln classic car meet at Burton Waters, so I might pop down and see whats happening. For those
that are interested it's at the Woodcocks pub, last Thursday of the month from 6.30pm.