Sunday, 13 July 2008

Room With A View

Having left the rear tub on the driveway for a week, in the rain, it was starting to look like a water feature - and not wanting to upset the neighbours, I thought I'd move it to a more appropriate location...

I can now admire the true beauty of the body work from the kitchen window. I've come to the conclusion that a £50 B&Q Pub Bench is just what every Triumph restoration requires.

Must start thinking about getting those holes filled - or a new tub ASAP (before the missus decides to plant herbs in it).

2 comments: said...

My question is, is a Triumph worth all this work? Now if it was an X Type Jag......

Simon said...

Ah, but how myself and retiredandcrazy move in such different circles! Personally I'd prefer to be working on a Mercedes-Benz 300SL gullwing - but for now, the Triumph will do me fine!!!